VIP REALTORS are leaders! And this year is no different! Yes, that is our VIP REALTOR and SCIAR President Becky Mulka, with Jim Hall and Mary Morris. Becky was installed at the January 15 Sanibel and Captiva Islands Association of Realtors (SCIAR) Awards and Installation Banquet. Becky is incredibly talented and hard working so we know she is up to this challenge. She will lead the new Board of Directors that includes 3 more VIP REALTORS: Tina DiCharia, President-Elect, Bob Berning, Secretary and Janka Varmuza, Director. It is a strong board overall, and they are supported by a committed and capable SCIAR staff, including Bill Robinson, CEO. It promises to be an amazing year that coincides with Chinese New Year “Year of the Snake”. This portends shedding old ways that lead to growth and renewal. Best wishes to Becky Mulka and the entire SCIAR Board! You can do this!
Congratulations to VIP REALTOR Connie Walters, who was recognized for her many years of service to the Board. And special thanks to former SCIAR President and VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva Broker/Owner, Jim Hall, for being a Gold sponsor of this important event!
VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva 1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 239-472-5187. Open for your convenience Monday – Saturday: 9AM – 5PM; Sunday: 10AM – 5 PM.
#VIPRealtySanibelCaptiva #sanibelvacationrentals #SanibelRealtor @SanibelRealtor @BobBerning @sisterssellingSWFL #SanibelBroker #ConnieWalters @JankaVarmuza #islandlife #dreamhome #closetothebeach #PearltheBlogger