November VIP Top Listing Agent, Teresa Baker

Teresa Baker had Top Listings in November, 2023. Baker and her husband moved to Sanibel in 1986 and built their first home in Seagull Estates. She has a degree from the University of Tennessee in Merchandising. She also has her Real Estate/Brokers License, Graduate Realtor Institute designation and SCIS designation. Consistently a top producer, her tenacity, honesty, fairness and tireless work ethic are well know to her clients and colleagues. Baker takes great pride in her commitment to always be available to her clients and other agents.

Teresa is a very busy professional but she still finds the time have some fun over the holidays, watching her favorite holiday movie “Christmas Vacation”! That movie is guaranteed to put you in a festive spirit! And with spirits soaring, it’s time to take Shelly, her beloved Whoodle, to the beach. Shelly has the intelligence and hunting skills of her Wheaten Terrier and Poodle ancestors. If you are near Lighthouse beach this holiday season, you might just see Shelly looking for shells and Santa! Meanwhile, Teresa is looking for your perfect new home on the beautiful islands of Sanibel and Captiva.

Teresa and Shelly wish you all the Happiest of Holidays! If you see them on the beach, stop and ask them where the best shelling is. Teresa knows all the best spots to shell, live and celebrate on Sanibel and Captiva! Enjoy!

#VIPrealtygroupsanibel #sanibelvacationrentals #TeresaBaker #SanibelCaptivaStillParadise #ShellytheWhoodle #Pearltheblogger

Beach tree picture by Tatiana Colhoun